New ROS 2 Book – Join The Waiting List!

Do you want to learn ROS 2 from scratch?

Or maybe you’ve already started, but you feel lost with all the information (or lack of information) you find on the Internet?

Where to start? What to do? What to learn?

When I first started with ROS, I struggled with those questions myself, and it was hard to answer them and find a proper path to learn. Learning was hard.

But it doesn’t have to be.

That’s why I’m writing the book I wish I had when I got started.

The goal of the book is to remove the big learning curve everyone faces when learning ROS 2.

I will teach you exactly what you need to learn. No useless stuff and distraction, just the important things you need in order to create ROS 2 applications.


A ROS 2 book really targeted towards beginners

This is one of the first ROS 2 books on the market. Actually, this will be the very first book actually targeted towards beginners

The problem with most ROS 1 and ROS 2 books is that they often rush through the basics, in the first chapters, and start to teach you advanced stuff in chapter 3. Result: if you were lost before, you are still lost.

With this book, I assume zero previous ROS knowledge, and I take the time to explain all the concepts, with real life analogies, hands-on experiments, and additional challenges to practice on key points.

You won’t have to worry about what to learn and in what order: I’ve got you covered.

What will you learn with the book?

At the end of the book, you will be able to:

  • Understand what ROS 2 is, why we use it, and when to use it.
  • Write code using the main ROS 2 core concepts (with Python and C++).
  • Create a ROS 2 application for a custom robot.

Here is a quick overview of the outline:

  1. Introduction – What is ROS 2?
  2. Installing and setting up ROS 2
  3. Uncovering ROS 2 core concepts
  4. Writing and building a ROS 2 node
  5. Topics – Sending and receiving messages between nodes
  6. Services – Client/server interaction between nodes
  7. Actions – When services are not enough
  8. Parameters – Making nodes more dynamic
  9. Launch files – Starting all nodes in one file
  10. Understanding TFs
  11. Creating a URDF for a robot
  12. Broadcasting TFs with the robot_state_publisher
  13. Simulating the robot in Gazebo
  14. Going further

The book will contain about 400 pages.


When will this ROS 2 book be published?

The target publishing date is October 2024. As for now I have written about 70% of the book (290 pages), so it’s looking good!

I’m also working with a few ROS experts who will do a thorough technical review, and with a great book editor specialized in programming books. You can be sure the book will be accurate, easy to navigate, and properly formatted. This is very important for a book, so you can learn in the best conditions.

The book will target the latest available ROS 2 distribution: ROS Jazzy. Everything you learn will be 100% up to date.

Who am I?

If you don’t know me, hi! I’m Edouard. I’m a software engineer, robotics teacher, and entrepreneur. 

In 2016 I co-founded a robotics startup and programmed an entire 6 axis robotic arm from scratch, using ROS. My view on software is very practical: I’m interested in how to best use a language/framework to build useful applications. Thus, the approach I have when teaching is really down to earth and practical.

Since then I have founded the Robotics Back-End website and YouTube channel, where you can find hundreds of tutorials on robotics and ROS.

I have also published 17 online courses, with more than 70 000 people enrolled, and an average rating of 4.6/5.

A few words from students who have taken my courses:


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I might also send you one or two updates about the book before its publication. That’s it, no other emails, no spam, I won’t use your email for anything else than communications about the book release.

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I will send you an email when the book is published, and one or two updates along the way, that’s it.